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Frequently asked questions

If you've never played Laser Tag before you may well have a few questions before attending. Below is a list of those we are asked more regularly than others, should you have a specific query not covered on this page don't hesitate to contact us.

Does it hurt?

No, unlike paintball there are no actual projectiles fired from our weapons. The 'lasers' fired are actually Infrared beams similar to those used in TV remotes.

Is it too violent for young Children?

We put the emphasis on team work and strategy in our games, as such they become more of a sport than simulated violence. For younger kids we try to steer clear of words such as 'kill' and 'death', replacing them with 'elminate' etc

Is there an age restriction?

Yes, due to the size and weight of our guns we find children under the age of 10 have difficulty carrying the weapons which ruins their enjoyment of the game. Some events are also aimed at ages 18+ but these will be clearly marked.

What should I wear?

Laser Skirmish is an active game so wear decent footwear (no open toe sandals/high heels etc). As the sports center is all indoors you dont  need to protect yourself from the elements but the large interior means it can get a little chilly in winter. You soon warm up when the games start, meaning you may also get a little sweaty.

Are there health risks/restrictions?

As with any active sport those with heart conditions are warned against taking part. Unlike many Laser outfits we do not use strobe lighting so those with epilepsy can play. Players are reminded that they take part at their own risk however your induction will include our safety talk as to avoid minor accidents.

What will a typical session consist of?

All sessions start with a quick briefing and usually a warm up team deathmatch style game. Then depending on the type of session you have booked you will play a number of scenario games usually lasting 10 minutes each.

How many people can play?

We run up to 12 players on field at one time, split into two teams of 6. Should your group consist of more than 12 people we can rotate the players so that everyone gets a go. We recommend up to 18 players for a two hour session.

Are there different game types?

We have a multitude of scenarios on offer and are always coming up with new and interesting reasons to get you shooting each other. Our marshalls can normally accomodate any requests you may have should you have a favourite. Check the Game modes page for a few examples.

How heavy is the gun?

Our guns are designed to be as realistic as possible, as a result they are roughly 5kg. You will have the oportunity to put them down between games and our induction will include tips on how to hold the weapon for maximum comfort.

Can I bring my own gun?

We use the FragTag system and do run events where you can bring your own tagger along, some units may have to be checked prior for balance.


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